SMP_Final_18Jul2012-1 PDF (1.04 MB)

SMP-SSkalski PDF (197KB)

FERC Ltr SMP 7-12 PDF (244KB)

To our Friends of Pinecrest and surrounding areas:

This blog includes the Final Shoreline Management Plan, (SMP). PG&E submitted the SMP to FERC on July 23. The approval process is now in FERC’s hands.

The final version of the SMP contains serious flaws. If implemented, it will forever change historical patterns of boating on Pinecrest Lake. The SMP will have serious and irreversible adverse effects on the ability of recreational users to access and enjoy boating on Pinecrest Lake.

We have included two letters with this mailing. One requests the Forest Service to utilize mediation as a way to resolve the disputes we have with the SMP. The other letter requests that FERC require an Environmental Assessment be conducted on the SMP.

Clearly, our job of getting the SMP into a form that makes sense for Pinecrest is a long way from being done. In our next mailing, we will let you know how we intend to proceed and what you can do to help. We are in dialog with representatives at FERC, and we are also seeking legal counsel.

We’ll talk with you more on e-mail and at the Friends of Pinecrest Annual Meeting, Saturday, August 4, 5:30 p.m., Dodge Ridge. BYOB and a dish to share. We’re looking forward to this time where we’ll strengthen our organization and engage in lively conversation, the sharing of ideas, and new friendships.

Thanks for all you do and will do.


Allen & Keri Green

Allen Green, PE
Friends of Pinecrest
PO Box 1173
Pinecrest, CA 95364


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One Comment

  1. Posted August 8, 2012 at 6:20 am | Permalink

    Two important points, in their survey, they noted there was a need for 185 moorings. Now they want to only allow 100 total. That pushes another 85 boats that will have to go through the already dangerously over crowded boat ramp. In addition, now your going to have that many more boat trailers to park each day! They say themselves, that parking is already a problem. This new plan will only make it worse. They only want to provide 15 permits for boats over 16 ft, I feel sorry for all the 17′ and 18′ that are very common sizes. Lastly, why should one individual or company be allowed to make a profit, on something that the public has enjoyed free of charge since its inception.

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